In the context of architecture, using computer-aided drafting is becoming the most popular way of generating house floor plans. With CAD, one can create high-quality house layouts much quicker compared to drawing them manually. Furthermore, a great degree of automation and a wide array of digital tools make it possible to produce multiple design iterations within a very short time as well. And that is a game-changing solution for architectural project presentations.
Architects who work with hand-drawn plans know all too well how tedious those are to make because of the higher risk of errors. In fact, one mistake means starting over from scratch. With digital drafting, however, one can make corrections both easily and accurately. Also, there’s the benefit of creating files in a variety of formats that suit multiple devices and platforms. In order to get high-quality floor plans, all an architecture professional needs to do is to get in touch with a CAD company. Professional drafters will use the drawings and other references to create the plans.
There are many types of house plans, and each comes with its own array of benefits. Now, let’s see the 7 ways CAD plans help architects with project presentations!
#1. Mounting/Dismantling Layouts Clear Every Replanning Aspect in Renovation Projects

Renovation almost always involves tearing down walls in order to extend a room or space. In certain cases, entire rooms will be shifted from one part of the house to another. This means that house floor plans for such projects must clearly indicate walls that will be mounted or taken down. This way, clients will be able to perfectly understand the proposed changes during a presentation. Also, marking all bearing walls allows clients to better see the possibilities and the limits of their property.
Creating mounting/dismantling layouts for renovation means that the floor plans will go through different versions and modifications. As such, they need to be drafted and approved effectively and within a short span of time. This is why architects can benefit tremendously from outsourcing the making of these house plans to experienced CAD professionals.
#2. Dimension Plans Provide Technical Accuracy for Construction Projects

A dimension house plan is a basic sketch of a project that is used to help visualize the existing layout to get the whole picture of the property. The expanse of the latter is measured and drawn out by specialists, with the use of basic measurements and scaling. Creating a dimension floor plan is a meticulous process that must be error-free, which is why it requires a professional CAD draftsman with a background in engineering and experience in working on complex projects.
Presenting a dimension house floor plan is a great way to start an architectural project presentation. In cases where a house is being newly constructed, those drafts help clients visualize the basic structure of their future home. Moreover, those layouts highlight the main technical aspects to be taken into consideration. This includes the spacing of sections, the demarcation of zones, and the corresponding measurements.
#3. Site Plans Allow to View a House with Its Surroundings
When it comes to creating house floor plans for real estate, one must remember that the project does not exist in real life yet. This makes it all the more essential to digitally design the house and its surroundings in a way that will most closely emulate it once it is complete.
That is why an architect needs a site plan. It allows for viewing the house in the context of its surroundings like roads, plantations and greenery, and footpaths. It is followed by bringing in elements like garages, driveways, outdoor lounge zones, etc. A site plan helps a client better picture the dimensions and functional aspects of their property.
Another reason detailed site plans are crucial is the need to keep things legal. First of all, a local urban planning service has to approve the drafts prior to construction. And the other hurdle one has to avoid here is lawsuits from the neighbors. Because most areas have strict regulations on the placement of fences, trees, and structures. So, mistakes that might seem insignificant can result in huge fines. Which is why it’s reasonable to use CAD services in order to a top-notch plot layout. So, when an architect includes it in their presentation, their client can rest assured knowing everything’s taken care of.
Want to know more about CAD services our studio provides? Check out this archive with projects examples and learn more.
#4. House Floor Plans Make It Possible to Visualize Finishing Materials

Now, floor plans can also be used to showcase finishing materials, such as paints, tiling, and wood. In this case, colored and textured house layouts help to coordinate the choice of materials with clients, allowing architects to place correct orders for them in advance. Since it’s not possible to demonstrate the finishings as precisely through hand drawings, house plans made with CAD will do the job, as well as allow for modification.
As a result, the process of selecting materials for floors, walls, and ceilings with the client becomes a lot simpler. It makes it possible for them to see what their house will look like with their choices. This way, all the necessary changes can be made before the materials are ordered. For instance, the property owner might want to go for different colors or brands once they see the full picture. Furthermore, the CAD software helps to perfectly calculate the amount and the cost of the finishings, which helps the client plan their expenses in advance.
#5. Floor Plans Demonstrate Locations and Specifics of Utility Systems

In order to understand the utilities of a property, one would require two types of house plans in particular. The first one is the plumbing layout. It consists of the quantity and location of fixtures like basins, sinks, washrooms, and showers, among others. Some plumbing plans also come with a diagram of the piping system. The latter is especially important when it comes to bathroom extensions and renovations. Furthermore, if the property is within a residential complex, a schematic of the entire system has to be taken into consideration.
The second one is the electrical layout, and it includes all wiring and devices. A more detailed one can consist of both transformers and visible and hidden wires. This is one of those kinds of house floor plans that are of utmost use for multiple purposes. For instance, interior design, construction of a new project, or renovation of an existing property.
Both layouts help an architect to accommodate their client’s requirements no matter how flexible those may be. The plans will also be of use for when a new fixture or furnishing has to be installed as part of a project. For instance, the client wants to have a robot vacuum cleaner. Then, not only can the designer add a power socket specifically for its charging station, but also keep it open to future modifications. And even though the clients themselves might not fully understand utility floor plans, the fact that the architect has them for a presentation always instills a strong sense of trust in the latter’s professionalism.
#6. Furniture Layouts Help to Present Interior Design Options
A furniture layout is one of those kinds of house floor plans that is essential to understanding both the lines and gaps in a living space in order to place furnishings and equipment. It helps interior designers minimize clutter, make the best use of the area available to accommodate each item, and finally present options that fit well with it. The style of a furniture layout also depends on the preferences of the client. They could be someone who likes having lots of furnishings, or they may prefer a minimalist approach.
Having a furniture layout plan also allows the client to select particular brands and models of furniture and appliances in advance. And so, to plan the interior according to their dimensions and other specifics. These house plans can also be viewed together with utility layouts to make sure that no unwanted intersections or design errors are present.
#7. 3D House Floor Plans Provide a Realistic View of a Space
For anyone who’s not an architect, measurements and numbers alone don’t give a full understanding of the spaciousness of a property. Actually, many people struggle to understand regular 2D drafts. This is why 3D house floor plans are ideal to help comprehend what one would expect from the property because of their photorealistic nature. A 3D floor plan is a three-dimensional image that provides an isometric view of the layout and furniture as it would be in real life. This allows clients to vividly picture themselves living there, making them more likely to approve the proposed design.
Overall, 3D house plans can help an architect effectively present every aspect of their project. That includes showcasing the rooms’ capacity, the effective and economical use of space, the orientation of the windows, doors, and staircases. And, most importantly, demonstrating how the furniture will figure in there.
House floor plans provide a plethora of benefits like bringing clarity to every aspect of the layout in renovation projects, providing technical accuracy for construction projects, and allowing one to view a house in its immediate surroundings. Architects can also use them to visualize finishing materials and demonstrate the specifics of utility systems, as well as to help present interior design options and provide a realistic view of a space.
Wonder how much high-quality drafting services cost? Check out the examples of our real projects with pricing.
Would you like to use CAD services to transform your hand-drawn creations into immaculate digital house floor plans? Contact our company today and we will deliver results of the highest quality in no time at all!
What are house floor plans?
House floor plans are architectural drawings that show a property layout and its precise dimensions. There are many types of floor plans that are used for different purposes. The drawings can be done manually or digitally, with the use of CAD software.
What is CAD?
In the context of architecture, CAD, or computer-aided drafting, is the process of creating house floor plans using specialized software. Since that requires a particular skill set, CAD services are often outsourced.
What is a site plan?
A site plan, or a plot plan, is an architectural layout featuring a house with its surroundings. For example, gardens, pools, garages, etc.
What is a 3D house floor plan?
A 3D house floor plan is a three-dimensional architectural layout that presents a realistic isometric view of walls, floors, doors, and windows. It can also feature finishing materials, furniture, and appliances to give clients a better understanding of a project.
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