Interior Design Floor Plan for an Apartment

Floor plan services is a go-to option for professional Interior Designers who want to speed up their project approval. CAD drawing will not only provide the result in a short time but also make them clear even for a non-professional eye.

An interior design company wants to prepare a detailed presentation of a project and demonstrate detailed information about its implementation. Mere sketches and 3D visualization of the interior will not satisfy meticulous clients because it’s too vague on its own. Serious customers want not only to see the final look of design ideas but also know how everything can be put into practice. However, the Designers haven’t used CAD floor plan services before. That’s why they don’t know which drawings will be the most optimal for a presentation and what they should include.

Digital floor plan drafting is capable of creating any draft an Interior Designer needs, while experienced CAD drafters will do everything else. Read what types of layouts are included in floor plan services and decide which ones are suitable for your project. 

#1. Wall Layout

A Wall Layout on Interior Blueprints

This drawing element is a basis for all types of floor plan services. In the standard package of drawings, Interior Designers can get a schematic layout of the walls marked with load-bearing sides that are vital for any changes in the internal structure of a building. More advanced floor plans include wall mounting and dismounting positions for conducting a major renovation as well as a partition plan for remodeling an interior.

#2. Doors and Windows Layout

Floor Plans with Furniture Layout

The arrangement of doors and windows can be either displayed in a general floor plan or a separate one with more detailed information. A solo doors and windows layout shows the direction in which they will open and the amplitude of their opening. On top of that, floor plan services provide all calculations and dimensions of doorway and window holes in inches. This data helps Interior Designers choose the fitting glass pieces and window frames.

Want to know more about CAD services our studio provides? Check out this archive with projects examples and learn more.


#3. Plumbing Layout

A Plumbing Layout as a part of Floor Plan Services

A plumbing layout is also a part of the standard floor plan services. Usually, it includes all fixtures of a property, such as sinks, showers, bathrooms, toilets, and so on. In some cases, real estate floor plans with a plumbing scheme display a diagram of the piping system itself. It is commonly required for repair and construction works during large-scale interior design projects. If the drawings are for a residential complex and not just for a single house than a sewerage scheme is also considered a part of this type of plan.

#4. Electric Layout

An Electric Outlet Layout for an Apartment

The drawing of the electrical support system includes the layout of all wires, units, and devices. Interior Designers most often require to draw the location of all light sources, as well as switches and outlets. It is necessary for developing a smart and effective lighting system for a dwelling. A more detailed electric scheme can include visible and hidden wires and all kinds of transformers. This type of floor plans services is indispensable for the construction process and profound renovation in old properties.

#5. Furniture Layout

  • Before-3d space plan
    After-3d space plan
    Before 3d space plan After

A furniture layout is not always used for architectural or construction work, but almost no interior design projects are complete without it. Often, floor plans show a schematic top view of furniture, its location, shape, and size. In this way, viewers can see how everything will be arranged and how much free space remains inside a dwelling. Floor plans services also include a 3D version of such drawings, which is an isometric view with more realistic visualization of furniture design, including materials and textures. 

The mentioned above layouts are a standard set of floor plans package, which any Interior Designer needs to implement a project. In addition to these drafting services, clients may ask for even more detailed floor plans indicating the data about floors, ceilings, ventilation systems, and more. These drawings will help to develop design ideas, then present them to investors, and finally, find a common language with contractors who will use floor plans as a guide later.

Wonder how much high-quality drafting services cost? Check out the examples of our real projects with pricing.


Want to get high-quality floor plans to develop your interior design project? Use CAD drafting services of our company and get the top-class drawing materials for the presentation and construction process.

Stacey Mur
Content Writer, Copywriter

Stacey is a content writer and a CG artist. Outside of work, Stacey enjoys musicals, Star Wars, and art talk. A proud Corgi parent.

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