2D CAD Programs are Needed by Pros in Construction


Renovation Drawings fpr Realtors

Floor plans for real estate are architectural and engineering drawings that are necessary for effective renovation. However, in real life, contractors often have to work with incorrect manual drafts, which leads to mistakes and re-making already renovated rooms at the final stages. Therefore, working according to low-quality drawings takes more time and terribly increases the cost of renovation.

This is why professional contractors prefer to get precise CAD architectural and engineering drawings at the very beginning of the work. No matter what kind of a specialist it is — a constructor, a plumber, an electric engineer — they all need to get the whole picture of the working area of real estate and its features.

Moreover, they also need to see drawings for other specialists to make sure they work correspondingly. For example, it is important for constructors to understand how the electric network goes, so they will not damage it while demolishing or strobing the walls. Therefore, it is necessary to provide all specialists with professional CAD design drawings that are made by competent experts from a drafting studio. So why one needs floor plans for real estate renovation in the first place and how they make it easier and budget-friendly at the same time? Let’s find out!

#1. Floor Plans for Real Estate Make Clear the Complexity of Replanning

CAD Services for Renovation

Often, the renovation involves a new replanning for real estate, which includes demolishing current walls and building new ones with new doorways and archways. Professionally done wall layout plans take into account all the structures — load-bearing walls that can not be ruined in any case and walls that can be taken down and built up. They are called mounting and dismantling layouts. These kind of wall plans are the basis on which each renovation begins, and of course, further work is impossible without it.

#2. Floor Plans Are Needed for Client Presentation and Approval

Property Presentation with Floor Plans

The client must be familiar with all the drawings and approve each of them. Often, the owner of real estate puts their signature on each sheet of the project so it makes obvious that they agree with all design and engineering decisions. It is essential for legality of the whole renovation process.

The most wonderful thing about CAD drawings is that using special software, a Drafter can easily delete or add any elements to the drafting at any stage of work. Architects and Interior Designers can bring printed copies to the construction site to make adjustments to real estate floor plans by hand, and then, send the corrections to the drafting studio. So if a client want to change some details of the project after the approval, it’s not a problem at all.  With the CAD soft, Drafters can transfer changes on the computer and provide updated drawings very quickly.

Want to know more about CAD services our studio provides? Check out this archive with projects examples and learn more.


#3. Precise Floor Plans are a Must for Plumbing and Electric Layouts

Technical Drawing Plans for Real Estate

For an effective renovation, it is necessary to calculate the load for the power grid in advance. Usually, Architects and Designers plan wiring system with extra back-up electric tools in mind — because homeowners tend to buy more and more home appliances, and the past circuits don’t always work well with the modern devices’ load.

As for the plumbing, Architects and Interior Designers must calculate and plan carefully where and how many full bathrooms, rain showers, dry saunas, hot tubs, etc, are possible to build based on the existing pipes layout system. It is very important to professionally arrange everything on the floor plan and calculate hot-water pipes and all circuits. Otherwise, remaking them when all tiles and finishings are done will be extremely difficult and will require some destruction, which again takes lots of money and time.

#4. An Accurate Furniture Layout is Impossible without an Accurate Floor Plan for Real Estate

Floor Plans with Furniture Layout

An Interior Designer can’t make a correct furniture layout plan without the previous floor plans for real estate — the wall plan, plumbing and electric layouts. Thanks to accurate thought-out schemes of walls and communications, it will become clear where the furniture must be located.

Surely, some furniture pieces are easy to add or remove even after the renovation, because their location has no connection to the house systems. However, it is vital to carefully arrange furniture sets with appliances that depend on plumbing, ventilation and electrical networks — such as dishwashers, fridges, stoves, washing machines, dryers, home SPA, fireplaces, etc.

#5. CAD 3D Floor Plans Make It Easy to Calculate Material Expenses

Calculation of the Materials for Real Estate Renovation

An accurate calculation of the materials is extremely difficult without floor plans for real estate. To build the renovation budget correctly, everything — from flooring, wallpaper, tiles, paint and to the last bulb — must be calculated based on architectural drawings.

Sure, doing calculations manually not only takes time but it also concedes mistakes because of a human factor. That’s why CAD soft is a real savior – even the most complex material procurement estimate can be done automatically in special software such as Revit. Thus, there’s no need to count the amount of resources manually and buy unnecessary ones due to faulty calculation. This automated option of CAD programs helps to avoid wasting or shortcoming when purchasing materials.

Floor plans for real estate are necessary for a clear understanding of renovation expenses, the future location of electrical and plumbing networks, as well as home appliances and furniture. Moreover, to make an effective renovation within the budget and on time, every small detail must be depicted on the CAD drawings. Also, professional constructors need competent draftings of real estate on which they can rely during the working process. Surely, such a responsible task has to be trusted to high-qualified Drafters who have special education, knowledge of professional software and plenty of experience in engineering and architectural drawings.

Wonder how much high-quality drafting services cost? Check out the examples of our real projects with pricing.


Want to try professional drafting services? With the help of our experts, you will get competent CAD drawings to calculate your renovation budget in advance!

Nathalie Paul
Blog Writer

Nathalie is a senior draftswoman at ArchiCGI. She loves the fine art of creating quality drawings. After work, Nathalie is passionate about Ishvara yoga, traveling, and strong bitter coffee.

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